Resources for Professionals

Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) are not a new experience, but it is only in recent years that awareness, understanding, and treatment have become more common. Increasing numbers in the medical and mental health professions are recognizing the disorder, educating themselves about it, treating it, and referring women who are at risk to other professionals and/or programs that directly address the needs of their patients. We are honored to work alongside providers in Lake County to support all perinatal moms.

Making Referrals to Mother-Wise

Mother-Wise is a community resource whose goal is to provide information and support to expectant and new moms. Untreated perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, including postpartum depression, can have long-lasting effects on the mother, father, baby and other children in the family if left undiagnosed and untreated.

Mother-Wise exists to support all pregnant women and new moms in Lake County; to provide support to women in an effort to prevent postpartum depression, and when not prevented, to help lessen its effects on mom and the family. The best time for a mom to become involved with Mother-Wise is during her pregnancy so we can all get to know each other before her life gets more hectic. However, referrals are welcome at any time within the perinatal period.


Screening for Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders

We recommend screening with the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). This is a self-administered series of 10 questions that helps the mom assess her current state as it relates to anxiety and depression. This tool can be used throughout pregnancy, as well as after the birth of the baby. If your office or agency would like training on administering the EPDS, please contact us.

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have updated their guidelines on screening for perinatal mood and anxiety mental health disorders.

We screen mothers multiple times throughout the perinatal period to help open the conversation about mental health and treatment options, and we recommend that others do the same.


Education + Training

Postpartum Support International (PSI) Training: For an in-depth training, we highly recommend this training, a 2-day PSI Certificate of Completion Course, taught by experienced and engaging faculty. It is a thorough and evidence-based curriculum designed for nurses, physicians, social workers, mental health providers, childbirth professionals, social support providers, or anyone interested in learning skills and knowledge for assessment and treatment of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Registration includes training binder, handouts, breakfast and lunch, and continuing education credits. Approved for CMEs, CNEs, and CEs.

Their website also holds a trove of information, including links for over 20 online support groups ranging from Birth Trauma Support to Dad’s Support Group to Perinatal Support for Latinx Moms and Birthing People, plus so much more.

PMAD Prevention Training: Mother-Wise can conduct a training for you and your staff on perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, from screening to ongoing counseling. This is an excellent program to better understand the spectrum of PMADs, as well as what interventions and supports are effective for preventing and/or mitigating the effects they have on women and their families. In addition to gaining this information, participants will better understand and more effectively use Mother-Wise as a resource. If you would like to speak with us about crafting a unique training for your needs, please reach out.